Wali Mohammadi, Author of the book "From Kabul to Calais, the incredible journey of a young Afghan"

Afghan refugee from 2005 to 2008

Wali Mohammadi was born on 5 June 1987 into a Tajik family from Afghanistan. When he was six, his two brothers, aged thirteen and seventeen, died in the family's grocery shop when it was hit by a rocket. He was still very young when his father was arrested by the Taliban and died as a result of torture in prison.

In 1999, he left his country for Iran for the first time with acquaintances. He returned after the American intervention that put an end to the Taliban regime. In 2002, his mother was killed in a bomb attack on a market. He then decided to leave again. At sixteen, he crossed Asia, then Europe, on foot, on horseback, by car, by truck and even by rubber dinghy, to finally arrive in Calais, France. He was waiting to move to England when a French family welcomed him and assisted him with his administrative formalities. Being a minor, this new family took him into their care. He filed an asylum application with Ofpra, which was accepted in 2005, three months before his eighteenth birthday.

Wali Mohammadi, a naturalised French citizen, wrote De Kaboul à Calais, l'incroyable périple d'un jeune afghan (From Kabul to Calais, the Incredible Journey of a Young Afghan), with journalist Geoffroy Deffrennes. This testimony book, which was published by Robert Laffont Publications, chronicles the harrowing journey of numerous asylum seekers and serves to raise awareness. In 2009, Wali Mohammadi was heard by the Socialist Party group in the National Assembly.

After obtaining BEP and CAP certificates, he worked in a bakery, but felt restricted in this line of activity. Therefore, he resumed his studies taking evening classes with a view to obtaining his high school diploma, which he obtained while working. In September 2010, he entered the Faculty of Law in Lille and successfully completed his studies. Since 2013 he has been studying political science.

In 2014-2015, working this time as an interpreter and translator in three languages, he studied international diplomacy in Canada at the University of Montreal with the aim of better serving France, his adopted country. He sees working in politics as a way to improve people's lives and wants to pursue a career in diplomacy. His aim is to bring more humanity into this sphere of activity and influence.